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Monday, August 29, 2011

D-tect Systems Featured on KSL News!

Check out this great article that KSL News published over the weekend! It talks about local homeland security companies and reports on our recent trips to Japan and has some great information and photos of D-tect products in the field.

D-tect Systems is a supplier of advanced radiation and chemical detection equipment sold around the world.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Relative Biological Effectiveness - What Kind of Radiation is the Most Risky?

As you read this right now, you are being bombarded by radiation – cosmic rays flying in from the dark reaches of space, photons streaming out of the hot core of the earth, and miniscule particles issuing from your computer and other objects around you. But not all radiation is created equal. A new field of study has unearthed the fact that different kinds of radiation affect us differently.  

Although quite a mouthful, this study is called Relative Biological Effectiveness (abbreviated RBE). It seeks to put all radiation on an equal plane and find out what kind poses the highest risk to our organism. Higher values of RBE mean that certain types of radiation are more harmful. Ionizing radiation, which is made up of alpha, beta, and gamma rays, constitute electrically charged particles that interact with matter. These interactions can cause ionization, which refers to changes within the structure of an atom that can cause it to destabilize or behave differently.
Alpha particles are the largest kind of ionizing radiation, each consisting of two protons and two neutrons. Because they are highly charged and quite large, they are quickly stopped by as little as 4 cm (1.4 inches) of open air or a sheet of paper1. Beta particles are much smaller, meaning they can penetrate further: through 9 meters (19 ft) of open air or 11 mm (.4 inches) of body tissue. Gamma rays are high-energy photons, meaning that they penetrate much further and interact differently with matter than alpha or beta particles. Thick, dense materials such as lead are necessary to block gamma rays. Another related form of radiation is neutron radiation, which is commonly referred to as indirectly ionizing radiation. Free neutrons, which are emitted from nuclear materials such as uranium and plutonium, have about a quarter of the mass of an alpha particle2. Neutrons are not charged but readily cause ionization by knocking away electrons or slamming into atomic nuclei. The neutral charge of these fast-traveling neutrons also allows them to penetrate much further into most materials than other types of ionizing radiation, even through many feet of concrete.
Source: American Nuclear Society
 To test how damaging different types of radiation is on the human body, scientists expose living tissue to equal amounts of energy from each type. Surprisingly enough, scientists have found that beta and gamma radiation are nearly equally damaging, so the RBE value of beta and gamma radiation is 1. It gets more complicated from here, though. Alpha and neutron radiation have different RBE values depending on what kind of cells are exposed to them. The RBE for bacteria is 2-3, but can be 6-8 for more complex cells like those found in the human body. This means that a certain amount of alpha radiation is 6-8 times more damaging then the same amount of beta radiation. Neutrons are even more damaging with a RBE of 4-6 for bacteria and 12-16 for complex cells3.  
The high RBE values of alpha and neutron radiation should make us think twice about how we deal with these types. Because incoming alpha particles are stopped by a single layer of skin, they can’t do much damage unless they get in our bodies. That’s why breathing in alpha radiation (from radon or radioactive dust) or ingesting it (in contaminated food or water) is so dangerous. When alpha particles get to really important cells in our organs, the RBE can shoot up: scientists have measured RBE values of 1,000 for alpha radiation inside hamsters4. Neutron RBE values are more constant because neutrons penetrate just about everything, but they are also much harder to contain. That’s why materials that emit neutrons are highly controlled, very hard to transport, and large neutron sources are only found in research facilities and power plants.
The Rad-ID device by D-tect Systems has a special way of finding neutron radiation. A container filled with Helium-3, a rare and stable gas, is included with other radiation detectors inside the Rad-ID. As neutrons shoot through the detector, they collide with some of the He-3 atoms, causing them to change into charged particles. These particles are quickly identified and counted by a detector and a measurement of this radiation is sent to the user. Since neutron sources give off varying levels of gamma radiation, the Rad-ID can also identify these materials and let the user know what they are dealing with.
The Rad-ID can detect neutron radiation sources.
D-tect Systems is a supplier of advanced radiation and chemical detection equipment sold around the world.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Radioactive Half-Life: How Long Will It Last?

Although it seems like this post should include some commentary on zombies or video games, we’re going to focus on the term ‘half-life’ as it’s used in physics, this time. The reason for this is that important research has been published last month on geothermal heat produced by radioactive decay. 
But before all that complicated stuff let’s start at the beginning. ‘Half-life’ is actually shortened from ‘half-life period’ which refers to the time in which exactly half of a radioactive substance decays. This measurement is especially useful because radioactive materials decay exponentially – meaning that they decay much more quickly at first than later on, where the decay process drags on more slowly.  This decay rate is directly connected to the rate at which radioactive materials emit radiation.  
Let’s take iodine as an example. I-131 has a radioactive half-life of just over 8 days and gives off both alpha and beta radiation (for a discussion of these radiation types see this post). As I-131 atoms give off radiation they transform into atoms of Xe-131, a stable (and non-radioactive) isotope1. That means if you start with a pure sample of I-131, after 8 days about half of the sample will be I-131 and half will be Xe-131. If you wait another 8 days, 1/4 of the sample will be I-131 and 3/4 will be Xe-131, and so on. As you may expect, the sample of I-131 will emit much more radiation right at first versus many days later on, when the majority of the sample is Xe-131. 
 Not all materials have a half-life short enough to notice. In fact, the half-lives of radioactive materials can vary from fractions of a second to billions of years. These differences lend themselves to varied applications. Isotopes with short half-lives (such as I-131, Tl-201, In-111, and Tc-99) are commonly used in medical imaging and therapy because they show up clearly in the body and become non-effective quickly so that the patient is not exposed to too much radiation2. Isotopes with long half-lives (such as U-238, C-14, and K-40) are often used in radiometric dating, where scientists can measure the abundance of these isotopes in various materials to determine their age3.
Newly published research4 from Japanese and Italian scientists also suggests that over half of the internal heat produced by the earth is caused by long-lasting radioactive materials such as thorium, uranium, and potassium – a quantity that adds up to nearly twice as much energy used annually by everyone on the planet5. The fact that radioactive materials are responsible for the heat is important because it helps to explain why our earth is hot enough to produce volcanoes, mountain ranges, and general plate tectonics while other planets in our solar system have long since gone cold. The geothermal heat of our planet isn’t going to cool soon either, thanks to the fact that the isotopes producing the heat have half-lives of billions of years.    
So although the adage “all good things must come to an end” (and all bad ones, too!) may be a great application to radioactive materials, there’ll be plenty of radiation and geothermal heat for years to come.
   5)  fission-confirmed-as-source-2011-07-18   
D-tect Systems is supplier of advanced radiation and chemical detection equipment sold around the world.